
Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We’ve got answers!


How are the funds raised for Magnolia Son used?

Christian and his brother Josh grew up giving their outgrown clothes and shoes (or Christmas presents they did not like 🙂 ) to the kids who were at the hospital for mental health reasons. I always knew if some clothes or shoes were left on the couch or table for a few days that meant the boys didn’t want them anymore. Last October or November, Christian left a new pair of very expensive tennis shoes on the kitchen table. I moved them several times and would tell him “You need to take those shoes”. He would just leave them there. One day he said “Those shoes don’t fit me and a kid at your work would really like to have them for Christmas.” So, in the tradition that had been established over the years, I decided that one of the best ways to remember Christian was to continue his practice and act of generosity by purchasing name brand shoes or coats for the kids that I work with. This not only honors Christian’s memory but also helps raise self- esteem of those kids who so often struggle with self-worth.

What percentage of the funds raised is spent on “overhead”?

Zero! Magnolia Son has no paid employees and we have no office space owned or rented by the organization. A 100% of proceeds raised above the cost of the goods sold will go toward purchasing clothing and shoes for children in need. 100% of any donations received will go directly for the same purpose.

How do you determine who receives assistance from Magnolia Son?

We are affiliated with The Crossings Residential Treatment Center, Alliance Health Center, Diamond Grove Center, and Psychology Associates. All of these sites serve children between the ages of 12 – 17. Children from all over the state of MS come to these facilities and many of them are in state custody. We would like to give all these children the opportunity to shop for shoes and clothing but state custody children will be given priority and of those children identified, need will determine which children are assisted first. Priority will be placed on those children in state custody who are not receiving adequate funds from the state to provide proper fitting shoes and/or clothing. Of course the amount of proceeds available will ultimately determine the number of children served.

Are donations tax deductible?

Yes!  We have received our 501(c)3 status with the IRS. Mississippi’s Secretary of State has approved our non-profit corporation status. Donations to Magnolia Son are tax deductible. 

What are the photos I see in the background?

Christian and his brother Josh both worked on river boats and the photos we decided to feature in the background are photos they took while working on the rivers in and around the State of Mississippi. These are photos of places that inspired Christian and awed him and we wanted them to make up the framework of this website because he would have loved seeing them over and over again.