
Be a Viking

A few weeks ago I was watching a show based on Notre Dame’s football team and their commitment to winning a national championship.  In one episode Joe Plumeri spoke to the team about commitment to a goal and likened their quest for a national championship to the Vikings’ determination to conquer their enemies.  In order to gain total commitment to their cause, the Vikings would burn their boats once they had reached their enemies land.  There was no escape plan….. you either accomplished your goal or perished.  A type of “All In” philosophy if I ever heard one.

Hugh Freeze speaks of “purposeful intent”.  Notre Dame plays with a “burn your boat” mentality.  Maybe there is more to learn from football then just statistics and weekly standings in the polls.  There appears to be life lessons mixed in with the “hotty toddies”, cow bells, and “Roll Tide”.  Maybe if we approached life with purposeful intent and burned our boat for the truly important things then our little piece of the world would be a better place.

The past year we “burned our boat” in our commitment to Magnolia Son and Christian.  We exceeded our goal for the year in our mission to help kids in need.  In the process we forged lasting relationships with many people who have been willing to assist us in our mission.  And just as we know that Christian would have never given up on any one of his family, we have not given up on him.  The fight for Christian continues…..


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One Response

  1. Confidentiality will not allow me to speak specifically about any student, but as I scroll through the pics of those sweet faces smiling my heart is full! Hypothetically speaking, kids are taunted and bullied about their clothes and especially their shoes. To remove at least one obstacle in their troubled lives is important. Thank you for burning the boat!

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