
Christian’s Corner

Last night I was thinking about all the people who have supported me and my family over the past seven months and who have”been in Christian’s corner” throughout this experience.  It took a minute, but then the light bulb went off and I thought “Christian’s Corner”…. the perfect place to periodically thank individuals who have helped Magnolia Son either financially or by giving of their time, skills or advice without concern for their own profit.  In doing so they not only supported Magnolia Son but also gave to Christian which touched my heart.  Some of these individuals never knew Christian; and others knew him all too well. 🙂  It is said that true generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never know.  I know the following people gave in their own way without ever thinking their name would appear on this website so I would consider that true generosity… and Christian and I thank you for being in his corner.

Jennifer Whitcomb and family

David & Melissa Buganski

Jay Jimmerson

Leonard Cobb

Paul Tarver






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One Response

  1. youre so strong. i see my mom struggle everyday. my dad fighting to keep his own life. we don’t know what happened to my brother feb. 9th 2018. What i do know is none of it was handled correctly. Thanks to you and Christian’s story my parents are finally ready to take the steps to find out what happened that horrible morning. His public record was just released last month. Dec 2019. its over 20 pages long and its gruesome. But out of “4” witnesses not a single story adds up! A man ran from the scene when cops and ambulance showed up. When i asked who it was, (knowing my brother has made an enemy or two in his life) they told me it was minor and could not release details. The public record tells me he was 24 at the time! And it was someone that had robbed my brother previously. ugh i’m on a rant know, but i truly feel a connection with our cases. Mishandled, not taken seriously, and no justice. i wanted to reach out asking if you had any helpful tips on who t ocontact next when dealing with something like this. I want to make something in my brothers name like you have! thanks for taking your time to read this.

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