
Thank You Harry Mayer!

Many of you have sent me messages or called asking when we would have the Magnolia Son t-shirts available. Well, finally I can tell you they are available at Harry Mayer’s!! Harry has been gracious enough to put our shirts in his store!! I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all he has done for me and my family over the past eight months. He was there offering his services to us at a very sensitive time and he has continued to be considerate and concerned throughout the following months. When he heard I was starting an organization for Christian and how we planned to raise funds he immediately told my brother “When you get some shirts I’ll put them in my store.” I was touched by his desire to be involved and help us get Magnolia Son off the ground.

Of course this post would not be complete without a “Christian story”. 🙂 Christian was probably 14 or 15 years old and he was with me Christmas shopping (which was a rare occurrence). We went to Harry Mayer’s to get my Dad and Chris their presents. I typically would get their presents there because Harry could tell me what they had already bought, what they looked at while they were there and didn’t buy, and what they said they didn’t like. As I was looking around, Harry of course walked up and called me by name and proceeded to help me choose presents. I told him I didn’t know what size my Dad was now wearing and he immediately rattled off his shirt and pant size. He then did the same for Chris. So in no time we were finished with gifts in hand and out of the store. When we got into the car Christian said “How does he remember all that stuff? He didn’t even look up anything he just knew it.” My response was “Christian that is why Harry Mayer’s has been around for so long…. he’s good at what he does.” We went on to talk for several minutes about the reasons why Harry was so successful. Looking back now I hope that small 3 or 4 minute conversation about “Harry’s secrets of success” might have planted a seed in Christian’s thoughts of what goes into being successful. Christian went on to develop a great work ethic and pride in his work. He did not always like his job, but he was good at his job and he took personal responsibility in doing his job well. And even though Harry and Christian were on totally opposite sprectrums of the work force they both shared a common goal …..of doing their job well.

Thank you Harry from Magnolia Son.

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One Response

  1. I would also like to say thank you Harry for your support of our family. The extra special care you took with my sister & family in the days following Christians death will always be remembered. You have been a special friend to our family for to many years to mention. We love you!
    The Neal’s

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