
Thank You to the “Firsts”

ps_2014_08_23_14_51_37I wanted to take the time to say a special Thank You to all the people who were the “Firsts” for Magnolia Son – the first to buy a t-shirt, the first to make a donation and the first to make an online donation since the website has been open to the public.  It may seem small to some but these “firsts” will never be forgotten.

Thank you to all the employees at Meridian Plastic Surgery Center who bought Magnolia Son t-shirts.  Several weeks ago I dropped t-shirts off for my sister to see.  We had just received them from the printer and no one had seen them yet.  When I went back she had a list of 15 t-shirts that her co-workers wanted.  I know that many of them bought a t-shirt not because they needed or wanted another t-shirt but because they wanted to show their support of Magnolia Son and my family.  So thank you for being the first to wear the Magnolia Son logo t-shirt!!

Last week I received a card from my grandmother who by the way will be 102 years old this month.  She wrote in the card how much she loved Christian and how proud she was of him.  There was a $10 bill folded up that dropped out of the card when I opened it.  It did not dawn on me until the next day that she had meant for the $10 to be a donation to Magnolia Son.  So I think it is very fitting that one of the people who meant the most to Christian was the first person to make a monetary donation to Magnolia Son.  We love you MaMa and I know Christian wouldn’t be surprised at all that you were one of the “Firsts”.

I was very anxious about the Magnolia Son website being opened to the public.  It seemed that there was always something else we wanted done before it was available for the world to see.  I think as Christian’s mom I was also worried that no one would take the time to navigate through the site and read the stories that were shared and embrace our mission.  In short, that people had moved on and did not want to take the time to remember Christian.  So my heart was full when the first person to make an online donation was not my friend, or a family member or a co-worker but one of Christian and Avery’s friend – Mia Lynch.  A truly heartfelt thank you goes out to her and her family.

Hopefully there will be many more “firsts” for Magnolia Son.  As they occur I will be eager to share them with you.


“Great Things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”






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