
You’ve Got a Friend…

I have always loved reading and have been envious of writers and speakers who put together words that make such an impact on so many people to the point that those words become quoted again and again. Since starting this site I have spent a vast amount of time reading poems and researching quotes to help explain an emotion or situation that could be described much more eloquently by using someone else’s words rather than my own.  In doing so, I have discovered that some of the most eloquent words have been written for children in such simple terms but their very innocence cut to the heart.  In looking for words to use in this post I once again found just what I needed in a book I read many times as a young child…..

“Why did you do all this for me?’ he asked. ‘I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.’ ‘You have been my friend,’ replied Charlotte. ‘That in itself is a tremendous thing.”
E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web

Christian was blessed with many good friends – some his age and others much older.  He used to tell me “Momma the old ladies love me.”  and he was right… they did.  He could talk his way out of just about anything if it was a lady he was in trouble with.  But he also possessed the same ability to establish a lasting rapport with men as well.  I think it was because Christian respected their knowledge about things he wanted to know and he really listened to them and their advice.  But if things got too serious he was quick to lighten the mood with some silly comment or joke.  Always willing to be foolish to get a smile out of someone…… such was the relationship with Mr. Mark.

Mark Lanier worked with me for years so he heard the stories about Christian and saw the bald spots in my head from pulling my hair out at times because of something Christian had gotten into, but he also showed an interest in helping Christian decide what he could do as a vocation.  When we were suddenly without an electrician in the middle of building our house Mark stepped in and did some of the electrical work until we could find someone else to complete the project.  What he didn’t realize was his “apprentice” was going to be Christian.  We thought this would be a good learning experience for him to see if electrical work was something he might want to do.  So in the 100 degree weather which translated to about 120 degree heat in the attic of the house Mark set to work with Christian tagging along.  After a couple of weeks of working at the house Mark stopped me one day at work and said “Christian can figure things out without being told how they work and really is pretty good at this stuff.”  When  I told Christian what Mark had said he just shrugged his shoulders and said “It’s not that difficult Mom (eyebrows raised, shaking his head like I’m a little slow) but I’m glad Mr. Mark let me work with him even if we did both about die of heat stroke.” And so a bond was formed without Christian even being aware.

Four years later Mark and his wife Dannette continue to honor that bond that was formed so many years ago.  They have been there to prop me up when I thought I couldn’t stand,  they have been there to laugh on the good days about something crazy Christian said or did, Dannette was there to listened to me complain and fuss when I would get a call about a broke hand or bad decision, they have read Magnolia Son posts, made donations, bought shirts and most of all they have remembered…. Dannette posted on Facebook after watching Christian’s dance off “I just LOL!!” and later “I just watched the video again….”  

So I am like the character in Charlotte’s Web asking “Why did you do all this for me?”  and then I realize that you are not doing all of this for me but for Christian and me.  I agree with Charlotte….

friendship is a tremendous thing.





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3 Responses

  1. The story I have about Christian involves the house, electricity, and a screwdriver. After the fireworks he looks over an says “Don’t tell mom”.Every time I see the Commercial that says “Don’t tell mom” I think of Christian.
    Ms. Rea, I was blessed to have had people in my life that invested their time in me. Even when I was to young to appreciate it. I made a promise to myself that I would pass that time on when I had the chance. I have to say we have been blessed by your family more than you will ever know.
    You and your family are in our prayers daily.

  2. Yes he had a way with “old” women. Need I remind you of the time he conned me into paying a ticket for him so he would not get grounded and could still go to the.beach with us!!! Good times!!!

    • I remember him coming home from clinicals when he was in HOSA (or whatever it was called) and he would show me the comments the nurses had written on the form he had to turn in to the teacher in order for her to know how they did while they were at the hospital. He would come in bragging about how he had all the nurses eating out of his hand and he would flirt and carry on with the head nurse so she would write “good things” about him and not make him do anything. 🙂 The nurses were always bragging about how “great” he was even though I don’t think he did anything to help anyone in the hospital other than entertain, flirt and compliment the nurses. Lori I’m sure you heard the stories too.

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