
Roll Tide!!!

Christian was never much of an organized sports fan.  As hard as I tried when he was little I never got him very interested for long in any team sport.  He had the athletic ability just not the motivation or attention span.  The only time I saw Christian show any real interest in college football was while he was dating Avery.  Paul was and still is a HUGE Alabama fan which in turn meant on game day everyone in the family became a HUGE Alabama fan.  Needless to say I was surprised when Christian would disappear on certain Saturdays and stay gone all day and sometimes all night with the excuse “I was watching Alabama play”.  I was happy to see proof that these “game days” truly did exist even to the point of Paul and Lori including Christian in the Alabama apparel to be worn on game day.  But I shouldn’t have been surprised because they always considered Christian a part of their family.  I have to question how much Christian paid attention to every game because sometimes when he came home I would ask him who won the game and he would say “I think Alabama.”!!!!  Oh, Paul Smith would have had a stroke!!

What guys will do for girls… 🙂

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