
Safety First

A couple years ago Christian called me one night and matter of factly said “Well I almost drowned today.”  Of course my initial reaction as a mother was to start asking one question after another and telling him he had to be careful.  Christian indicated he had been walking out on the barges and ended up falling overboard.  They were in Illinois in the middle of winter so the water was literally freezing.  Hypothermia set in and he was not able to swim.  No one was supposed to be out on the barge he was on so it was luck or maybe the grace of God that someone saw him fall over board and was able to pull him in.  Needless to say the next day he ordered some heavy duty safety vest.  So this is Christian all decked out in his cold weather gear and very expensive but very protective life jacket.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could wrap out children up in life vests to deal with all of life’s events….

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